Tout savoir sur la subvention vélo électrique !

All about the electric bike subsidy!

It's no longer a secret that the electrically assisted bicycle is revolutionizing the mobility sector. This new means of transport participates in guiding decisions for the redevelopment of urban spaces. As a result, the state, regions and municipalities have been promoting aid for the purchase of an electrically assisted bicycle for more than a year. We have deciphered for you the conditions for allocating the various subsidies.

State aid for low income

The conditions for obtaining

Your situation

The first aid to the acquisition of an electrically assisted bicycle is that granted by the state. This national grant is awarded to individuals who meet all of the following conditions:

  • Be a natural person
  • To be of age
  • Proof of residence in France
  • Have a taxable income per unit less than or equal to €13,489

Be careful because the conditions of attribution do not stop there! It is mandatory to benefit from aid from a community for the same purpose, to obtain state aid.

This aid can only be paid once per person.

For companies, be aware that until December 31, 2022, you can also claim the bicycle bonus if your structure is established in France.


The characteristics of the bike

This purchase aid also takes into account technical requirements concerning the bike:

  • new electric bike
  • lead-free battery
  • motor with a maximum rated power of 0.25 kilowatts
  • motor power must stop when the bike reaches 25km/h

Important point: the bike cannot be sold within one year of its purchase.

Aid amount

State aid is capped at €200 . The amount of this will be identical to the amount granted by the community (up to a limit of €200).

Case 1:

Michel buys a Garrett Miller X on the internet for an amount of 2490€. The city of Nice, where he lives, pays him €150 in aid. The state will pay him the same amount as the city of Nice, i.e. €150.

Case 2:

Marie buys a folding bike from a dealer downstairs from her building for 1900€. The city of Paris pays him €400 in aid. The state will pay him the maximum sum of €200.

Case 3:

Paul buys a bicycle for 1500€ in a large sporting goods store. Unfortunately, his city does not yet offer assistance for the purchase of an electric bike. In this case, he will not receive any state bonus.


The procedures for obtaining

You bought a new electric bike before July 26, 2021 and you meet all of the above criteria, then you must download and print the request for assistance form which can be found here .

In addition to this request, you must attach the following documents:

  • Double-sided copy of an identity document
  • A bank statement of the purchaser
  • A copy of proof of address less than 3 months old (water/electricity/gas/telephone bill, tax notice or non-taxation certificate, housing insurance receipt, title deed or rent receipt). No other supporting documents are accepted!
  • A copy of the purchase invoice for the e-bike with your contact details, the references of the bike, the price including tax and the invoice date.
  • A copy of the tax notice for the year preceding the purchase of the bike.
  • A copy of the payment of the aid paid by a community for the same vae. Must include the name of the community, your first and last name, the bike concerned, the date and the amount of the aid received.

All of these documents should be sent by post to the following address:

Regional Direction ASP GRAND EAST
Bonus Bike Device
2 rue du Gantelet
CS 40447
51037 Chalons-en-Champagne Cedex

The request for assistance must be made within 6 months of the invoice date.

If the date of purchase is after July 26, 202 1, your request must be made on the site

The opening of the portal for bike grant applications will take place from 30/09/2021.


The case of the cargo bike

The cargo bike with electric assistance, the cargo bike without assistance and the electric trailer are also concerned by this aid.

The conditions for obtaining them are exactly the same as those for electrically assisted bicycles, with a few exceptions:

  • the vehicle must have been purchased between July 26, 2021 and December 31, 2022 .
  • it is not necessary to have benefited from the help of a community beforehand.
  • legal persons are eligible for aid without a means test.

The premium amount also differs. It is 40% of the acquisition price within the limit of €1,000 . This aid can be combined with other local subsidies.

Regional aid

The local authority electric bike subsidy

Developments in favor of the use of bicycles are multiplying in French cities. The number of cycle paths has exploded over the past two years. Reducing CO2 emissions and respecting the environment are major challenges for our cities and regions. In order to support in an even more concrete way the multiplication of alternative means of transport , many communities offer subsidies for the purchase of an electric bicycle.


How to benefit from it?

Want to know if your city offers this kind of help? Inquire directly at the town hall .

We have worked for you! You will find on this link a non-exhaustive list of the communities offering the subsidy.

Please note that this list changes regularly.

Some specific cases:

Paris ile de France

If you live in the Paris region, several municipalities offer assistance to buy an electric bike:
  • Paris: 400€
  • Grand Paris Seine Ouest: up to €200 in the municipalities of Meudon, Boulogne-Billancourt, Issy-les-Moulineaux, Chaville (help for the purchase of a second VAE in the household up to €250), Ville- d'Avray, Marnes-la-Coquette, Sèvres, and Vanves.
  • Nanterre: €400
  • Seals: €100 for accessories that can be combined with the aid granted by the region
  • Fontenay: up to €400

Since February 20, 2020, regional aid has been launched by “ Île-de-France Mobilités ”. It is accessible to all Ile-de-France residents.

To benefit from it, you must have made a request to your municipality beforehand. If this aid is lower, it is combined with the Île-de-France Mobilités bonus.

This purchase bonus is awarded according to the choice of your bike:

  • Electrically assisted bicycle: 50% of the purchase price up to €500
  • Cargo bike without electric assistance: 50% of the purchase price up to €500
  • Cargo bike with electric assistance: 50% of the purchase price up to €600
  • Folding bike ( with or without electric assistance): 50% of the purchase price up to a limit of €500
  • Adapted bicycle: 50% of the rest payable (after deduction of local aid, reimbursements from health insurance, mutual insurance or other organisations) within the limit of €1,200

Safety accessories, helmets or locks are included in the purchase price of your bike.

Condition of attribution : None, it is simply necessary to make the request.

How to apply : It must be made directly online on the Île-de-France Mobilités website.

If you have never tried an electric bike, Île-de-France Mobilités offers you a rental at €20 per month for 6 months before any purchase ( see terms and conditions ).

ile de france_mobility_subvention_velo


All Corsican citizens can benefit from aid for the purchase of an electrically assisted bicycle.

The amount of aid is 25% of the price of the electric bike up to a limit of €500. The amount of aid is directly deducted from your invoice.

The subsidy is valid for the purchase of a new or reconditioned VAE made from a partner merchant (see the list )

Allocation condition: No means condition is required. You simply need to have your main residence in Corsica.

How to apply : You must create a file containing your identity document, proof of address less than 6 months old and the commitment form . Take this file when buying your bike, the aid will be deducted from your invoice.

A question ? Contact Mr Laurent NIVAGGIOLI by email at or on 07 84 32 18 38.


The city offers a slightly different program called “Véloptimiste”. Thanks to banking partners and cycle stores, Strasbourg offers the purchase of a new VAE on credit which includes 3 years of maintenance for 2€ per day.

Here are the terms of the offer:

  • 2€/day: The monthly installments of the credit cannot exceed 62€/month
  • The purchase of a new Electrically Assisted Bike from partner cycle stores (find them here )

Award condition : None

How to apply : Choose an e-bike from a partner store. A "veloptimist" quote will be given to you. You then just have to go to one of the partner bank branches to set up the terms of reimbursement.

You will find the details of the Véloptimiste offer here:


Conversion premium

Help Features

  • The new or used electric bike must be acquired or rented as of July 26, 2021 .
  • The bicycle must not use a lead-acid battery.
  • An old and polluting vehicle must be scrapped. The eligibility conditions (for the beneficiary and the vehicle to be recycled) are identical to those defined within the framework of the conversion bonus (article D. 251-3 of the energy code): the scrapped vehicle must be a diesel car or van first registered before 2011 or petrol first registered before 2006.

Eligible beneficiaries

  • The applicants are natural or legal persons who acquire an electrically assisted cycle, equipped with a lead-free battery , scrapping an old and polluting vehicle.
  • The applicant must provide proof of a domicile in France .
  • A natural person can only benefit from the aid once.
  • No tax income condition is required.

Aid amount

The amount of State aid is set at €1,500 within the limit of 40% of the acquisition cost .

Consult the scales


Employer electric bike bonus

For the time being, there is no aid paid by the employer for the purchase of an electrically assisted bicycle. On the other hand, if you own an electric or classic bicycle, which you use to get to your place of work, you can benefit from the sustainable mobility package.

This aid is completely independent of national and municipal aid.

This scheme is voluntary. If your company offers it, you can benefit from:

  • Support for your professional journeys with your bike up to €400/year .
  • The amount of aid and the terms are defined by your employer.
  • The compensation received is net of tax

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