Cost of an electric bike: factors to consider
Do you want to get an electric bike? This is quite a significant investment. Before purchasing it, you should think twice to make the best choice for you. And it will depend on different factors. You will then have to ask yourself the right questions: do you want an e-bike for occasional outings, for your daily trips or to indulge in sporty hikes?
Once the answer is determined, you will more easily know which model to turn to. Now, you will need to refer to a significant criterion: the price of the electric bike. This parameter also depends on various points: the power of the car, its technical configuration, its components, its brand, etc.
In this article, we invite you to better understand the price ranges of such a machine, and the elements that can influence it. The price includes not only the purchase price of the bike, but also the cost of its maintenance and recharging. So find out all this in more detail. This will help you define your budget.

The price ranges of an electric bike
The price of an electric bike can vary from just under €1,000 to €10,000. This price can increase or decrease depending on a number of criteria, one of the most important of which is the technology embedded in the e-bike, but also the battery, the motor, the frame without forgetting each part of the bike. Whether you are looking for a two-seater electric bike, an electric cargo bike or an electric fatbike , you will mainly need to take these points into account to get a better idea of the price of the device.
The electric bike under €1,000 to €1,300: intended for novices
It makes sense, a bike accessible for less than €1000 will be made up of inexpensive parts. This means that in terms of performance, you should not expect great things. If you are planning to purchase an eBike while your budget is tight, you must keep in mind that your bike will have certain capacities. But these will be less: limited warranty, unappreciable lifespan, basic equipment, low battery life, etc.
In short, it will have average overall quality, or even less than that. If you are looking for a high-performance e-bike, think again about the budget dedicated to the purchase of your two-wheeler. Also, a model whose price is between less than €1000 and €1300 will be more suitable for moderate and occasional trips, on the road or on cycle paths.
VAE of €1,300 and €2,500: models with good value for money
This price range includes mid-range VAEs. These are essentially city models, perfectly suited to everyday travel in the city. From €1,500, you will be entitled to a more efficient battery, a pedal motor, more equipment or even better autonomy.
However, plan for a minimum sum of €2,000 if you want a more efficient cargo electric bike with quality parts. In any case, an electric bike costing between €1,300 and €2,500 presents very good value for money.

Electric bikes between €2,500 and €5,000: high-end models
As you will have probably understood, in this price range, you will have high-end bikes. These are equipped with a powerful engine, and are designed to perform. An e-bike in this range will have high-quality suspensions, hydraulic brakes, a more than adequate battery life , a more advanced dashboard.
The biggest difference with the models in the previous range will be seen above all in the comfort that the machine provides. With better quality tires, the electric bike can venture onto any type of terrain. From sand to asphalt, snow, desert, hills and mud, you can explore all horizons.
Basically, if you opt for a version in this category, you will not only be able to use it to get around daily, but you will also be able to undertake cycling excursions for an entire weekend.
VAE of more than €5,000 and more: for great connoisseurs and athletes
An eBike costing more than €5,000, whether a 2-seater electric bike or a big-wheel electric bike, is aimed in particular at athletes and aficionados. This racing car contains expensive parts, the assembly of which is the responsibility of true experts in the field.
All the features are obviously present. Added to this are an advanced braking system, foolproof rigidity, a more than powerful engine, significant autonomy and great lightness.
Some eBikes in this category, with special components, can cost up to more than €10,000. Among the versions in this price range, we can, among others, cite mountain bikes, cargo models, trail bikes and even mountain bikes.

Expenses to expect when purchasing an electrically assisted bicycle
Purchasing an e-bike involves additional costs, apart from the sale price of the latter. You will indeed have to think about other costs that you must honor. This includes, for example, the cost of upkeep and maintenance of the bicycle, the acquisition of security systems, not forgetting insurance.
The security devices
To avoid having your e-bike stolen, you absolutely must know how to secure your electric bike when you park it. A lock is essential. There are several types of locks: the security chain, the U-lock, the anti-theft cable, the frame lock, a lock with alarm, etc. When buying an e-bike, you must think about finding a lock and include its price in your budget.
The cost of insurance
Although insurance is not an obligation when you ride an electrically assisted bicycle, taking out it is strongly recommended. And for good reason, if you have your car stolen on public roads, you will not benefit from any compensation.
The maintenance and upkeep fee
Like a classic bicycle, the VAE wears out over time. If you plan to use it on a recurring basis, or even every day, you must provide it with a minimum of maintenance, in order to promote its durability.
This can include different operations, to name only the replacement of a worn wheel, the adjustment of the brakes, a tune-up every six months, the diagnosis of the electrical device... Finally, add to all this the price of recharging the battery.

Factors that can influence the price of an e-bike
If you look into the electric bike market, you will notice that there are several types. Above, we presented the price range of VAEs in its entirety. However, these prices can change depending on several factors: the type of bike, the brand, the components…
The type and use of the bike: a determining factor in your budget
The price of an electric bike intended for daily commuting will certainly differ from that of an e-bike specially designed for the mountains. So, depending on how you use the bike, you will define the budget you will devote to purchasing the bike. If you plan to travel muddy trails, snowy trails, or rough roads, choose a mountain bike.
On the other hand, if you are looking for a two-wheeler for flat roads, which you will use every day, prefer a road bike or a hybrid model. You will be more at ease to brave the asphalt without incident and in the greatest comfort. But regardless of how you use the electric bike, choose models from well-known brands.
The battery and its autonomy
The choice of battery life has a significant impact on the price of the car. If you need to make long journeys on each charge, it would be best to get an eBike with a long battery life. The price of a battery can vary from €250 to €1,000, depending on its brand.
The power, speed and motor of the VAE
The power, as well as the performance of the e-bike motor, occupy a preponderant place in the general price of the electric bike. The higher the engine power, the more expensive the e-bike will be. It is completely normal for a powerful motor to be more expensive, as this allows the cyclist to pedal more easily. The choice of a powerful engine will first be decided according to the use of your VAE.
The frame and weight of the e-bike
An electric bike can cost more or less depending on its frame and weight. The price of a carbon fiber frame is higher than that of a frame made of aluminum, because it is more robust and lighter.
Several materials are used to design the frame: titanium, aluminum, steel. An aerodynamic frame that complies with the standards of the Union Cycliste International is an excellent alternative. This ensures a very good driving experience.
Other options having an impact on the price of the VAE
Certain features of the electric bike may generate additional costs. This is particularly the case for certain accessories such as the luggage rack, the child's bicycle seat, the mudguard, as well as parts such as the indicators or even intelligent LED lights.