On the roads, accidents are never far away. They can concern any road user, whether a pedestrian, a car driver, a truck driver or a cyclist. Because traffic is sometimes overloaded, it is best to prevent any risk.
If 5% of road accidents affect bicycles, this means that cyclists are not spared. To protect against this, taking adequate precautions and safety measures is essential. In this article, we will mainly talk about how to avoid and protect yourself from accidents when riding an electric bike.
Some essential facts to know about e-bike accidents
Several factors can come into play when we talk about electrically assisted bicycle accidents. Among other things, we can cite the attitude of the cyclist who rides his e-bike, the quality of his machine, the conditions on the road, etc. Knowing these points better as well as the probable causes of a bicycle accident can help to avoid.
Statistics and data relating to e-bike accidents
Some figures show that e-bike accidents, particularly those in the United States, have increased significantly over the last 7 years. Also, it turns out that means of transport equipped with a battery are the cause of more than 70 deaths and nearly 190,000 cases requiring visits to the emergency room.
As you will have understood, these data seem extreme. However, by knowing these, runners will perhaps be more careful and protect themselves better in order to avoid accidents. Especially since even if it is a question of electric bike accidents, it can also involve other street users.
And everyone knows that the cost of an electric bike , whether it's an electric fatbike or an electric cargo bike, is not cheap. So it's better to be extra careful to keep your bike in excellent condition.

The most common causes of e-bike accidents
In the majority of cases, electric bike accidents are initially caused by a careless attitude on the part of the driver. This can also come from a lack of protection for the cyclist, but also from a lack of control of traffic regulations. There are in fact many causes of accidents: driver inadvertence, unconscious driving, poor visibility, unfavorable weather and road conditions, etc.
And again, accidents can occur because the electric bike does not benefit from appropriate maintenance or by non-compliance with the regulatory speed on public roads. All this can cause technical failures of the bike, likely to cause a malfunction of the engine or the brake system. This is how an accident happened so quickly.
In order to overcome these problems, it is more than necessary to comply with security requirements. At the same time, the cyclist must ensure regular maintenance of his e-bike. Road equipment and infrastructure will need to be renovated. And above all, respect between road users constitutes an essential regulation.
Some measures to adopt and rules to follow to avoid accidents
As you may have noticed, the origins of electrically assisted bicycle accidents are varied. To protect yourself, it is clear that each road user, pedestrian, driver, cyclist, must take drastic measures.

Master the road regulations to drive safely
First of all, in order to avoid accidents, it is more than fundamental to know and comply with the rules in force. As a bonus, here are some tips that will help you travel safely on the street by e-bike.
Pay attention to parked vehicles
Car parks and parking lots represent danger zones for e-bikes. It will sometimes be difficult for you to dodge a car door that suddenly opens in front of you, or a car that pulls out of its parking space without checking its blind spot. If you can, avoid long rows of cars.
If possible, take a lane without traffic, away from vehicles. Even if it requires you to take a detour, do so for your safety. You will benefit from less polluted air, and you will be able to ride without stress.
Never pick up your smartphone while driving an e-bike
Like all other drivers who use the road, electric bike riders are strictly prohibited from using their mobile phone while driving. Receiving and making phone calls can greatly affect a cyclist's concentration. He can even lose control of his car.
This can of course lead to serious accidents, both for the two-wheeler rider and for others. In the same context, it is prohibited to wear headphones. This can disadvantage the driver's sense of listening when traveling on the street on an e-bike.
Always equip yourself to protect yourself and drive safely
Although wearing a helmet is not mandatory for adults riding an e-bike, it should be noted that it reduces the risk of head injury by 50% or more if you fall off your bike. It is therefore in your best interest to wear one. Other equipment will be of great help to you when riding your bike.
If you have to go out at night on a two-seater electric bike, it is recommended that you put on a yellow vest, especially if you have to ride on a dimly lit street. However, if the yellow vest bothers you, you can always rely on luminous gadgets, which many stores sell. They come in the form of a reflective sticker, luminous bracelets or backpacks equipped with flashing lights.
Be extra vigilant and watch out for blind spots
One thing you should always remember when using public roads is that you are not the only one doing it. Especially since as a cyclist, you are among the most vulnerable users. Don't take it lightly, especially when you're dealing with blind spots. It is quite possible that trucks or buses will not notice you at these levels of the road.
When you reach a blind spot, avoid overtaking a vehicle on the right. This is to avoid having your road cut off while creating a dangerous situation for you. Also, if you are used to acting like most cyclists, weaving between cars when there is traffic, ride carefully.

Provide the electric bike with certain accessories and equipment to optimize safety
When the cyclist is traveling on public roads, he is barely seen by car, truck or bus drivers. To prevent accidents, it is therefore essential that it improves its visibility on the road. So, to protect yourself from possible incidents, being seen is crucial when you ride an electric bike. The following recommendations will be more than useful to you.
Rearview mirrors: to have an eye everywhere
Cyclists don't always think about it, although you should know that mirrors are essential for large vehicles as well as for two-wheelers. To enjoy optimal safety when traveling around town, install one or two rear-view mirrors. Some bicycle models are designed to fold at the handlebars.
Turn signals: to be careful
As a cyclist, you must take extra precautions to ensure your safety. Much more than just gadgets, indicators are essential on e-bikes. On the one hand, they help to warn and show other road users what you are planning to do: turn left or right. This way, they will be able to let you pass more easily.
For electric bikes, indicators are available in several versions: bag or backpack equipped with integrated indicators, light devices that flash to be placed on each side of the handlebars or below the saddle, strips with LED indicators, etc.
On the other hand, with turn signals, you remain visible to other users, motorists or pedestrians, particularly at night. Finally, with these gadgets, you keep your hands on the handlebars.
Some practical and fun accessories to be seen on the street
Finally, some manufacturers offer luminous objects that help you remain clearly visible in the middle of the road. As has already been mentioned, reflective stickers are not only decorative, but also safe. Don't forget the little bell that will allow you to alert others of your passage.

Final reminder on cyclist protective equipment
We can never say it enough: equipping yourself with good protective equipment will be beneficial when you ride a big-wheel electric bike. This will certainly not prevent you from having accidents. However, these protective accessories will minimize damage in the event of a fall or collision. This naturally includes the helmet, as well as cycling gloves , and possibly hazard spreaders.
In any case, whether you are in a car, on a bike, on foot or on the bus, accidents can happen to everyone. To protect yourself from any accident, taking good measures is always fundamental.